6 7 pm Gallery Lecture on Chaim Gross.

Susan Fisher, Director of the Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation talked about the current exhibit of Chaim Gross' "Fantasy Drawings"... pages from his private visual notebooks created over 40 years. Ms. Fisher observed how contemporary the drawings seem, almost a old form of the comic story lines being created today and that the simplicity and directness of the work is still so fresh.
Artist/daughter Mimi Gross was there and enriched the presentation with her memories of her father. He would do these drawing each night after dinner, while sitting in the apartment's only comfortable chair. He would begin with a line or curve and build a drawing from that. Often, the images of TIME magazine might contribute to the personal diary quality of the work. These have always been private materials. There are over a thousand. They were shown once in the 1950s and now again. They offer an insight and encouragement to the value of keeping some kind of crafted record of the observations, fleeting feelings, confused moments and sharp clarities we all experience in our daily lives. To see Chaim Gross' version of this is inspiring.
Daniel Mason asked about the recurrence of certain motifs and images throughout the drawings, particularly piercing images and birds as extensions of females. David Horton saw the piercing images more an expression of woundedness than aggression
The exhibit continues through January 1, 2013
30 7:30 Films of David Molander
17 Jed Bark and Steve Washburn install one of Jed's Tree-Book Sculptures on the Path to the Bog Garden

26 Film Festival. For a year now, we have been offering a monthly program of films related to Surrealism. Artist Robert Whitman selects and produces these events with his colleague, Julie Martin.on the Last Friday of the Month
This month are the films of Robert Breer
29 Reading of works by New York School of Poets, Janet Hamill, producer, with poets Adrianna Delgado, Michael Sean Collins, Florence Lenhard, Marina Mati, Glenn Werner

6 Kurt Seligmann at Home: opens
Fantasy Drawings of Chaim Gross
Sculpture of Julius Medwin opens
22 Fantasy Drawings of Chaim Gross installed by Jonathan and Marsha Talbot
8 Films of George Kuchar, Felix Bernstein, guest
25 #2 Surreal Caberet. William Seaton, David Horton, producers
31 Talk by surrealist expert Stephen Robeson Miller
27 Film Festival, Films of Jacob Burckhardt, Burkhardt as guest
9 DADA Poetry reading by William Seaton
27 Homage to Kurt Seligmann. An international collage exhibit
curated by Jonathan Talbot and Jessica Lawrence till June 15
27 Film Festival. Fat Feet. Mimi Gross as guest.
Robert Whitman, Julie Martin producers
26 Film Festival. Last Clean Shirt. Several poets as guest readers
of Frank O'Hara poems
Surrealist Garden started in bog on property, Jerome Spector
2 Graveside memorial ceremony on the 50th anniversary of Seligmann's accidental gunshot death
24 Film Festival. Pull My Daisy. David Amram as guest. Several poets as guest readers with Amram on keyboard. Janet Hamill, producer
Edition of Events Posters begins. David Horton, producer