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People, Groups, Galleries
The Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacies
London Surrealist Group
Stuart Inman

Gallery of Surrealism (NYC)
Contemporary Surrealism Collective
Siobhan McClure
Eric Johansson
Book and Catalog Dealers
Anartist: Books on Art
Marc Chabot Fine Arts
Surrealist film Un Chien Andalou
Documentary on late choreographer Pina Bausch
Women Surrealists: Down the Rabbit HoleThe Colour of My Dreams: The Surrealist Revolution in Art
A 2011 exhibit created for the Vancouver Art Gallery revealed an unusual connection between the surrealists of 1920s Paris and the art of Northwest Coast Indians. Just the Seligmann images Alaska 1944
Historical Notes and New Leads
How does Vance Kirkland fit in here??
Sur-ruralism Richard Kirk
Derrière le Miroir (Behind the Mirror)(DLM) was an art magazine published between 1946 and 1982 by the French publisher and gallery owner Aimé Maeght. There were a total of 253 editions in 200 volumes. The magazine, itself designed as an art object presented in a large (11” x 15”) format, is illustrated with original lithographs as well as a number of reproductions. Poets and writers like Aragon, Beckett, Char, Eluard, Prévert, Queneau, Reverdy, Sartre, contributed with unpublished texts. Most of the major artists of the second half of the twentieth century created lithographs for DLM: Léger, Miro, Calder, Tapies, Chillida, Braque, Matisse, Giacometti, and above all Chagall.

To quote François Capon : "When the shores of our time will have receded too far for anyone to remember having lived them, there may well be young people to investigate the genesis of the art of the period with the same searching and sensitive look as our generation would have given Durand-Rule, Collard, Kahnweiller's log-book, if they had written one. In DLM they will find the chart of several decades, but along the border where art and poetry meet
Kurt Seligmann did the cover of Issue 19
The Imaginary Foundation
In 1938, the writer André Breton (1896-1966) and poet Paul Éluard (1895-1952) organized the Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme at the Galerie Beaux-Arts in Paris. Each of fifteen artists were given a dressmaker's mannequin as their canvas and encouraged to transform the figure in any way they desired. The artists included (in order of appearance in this video) Salvador Dalí, Óscar Dominguez, Marcel Duchamp, Léo Malet, André Masson, Joan Miró, Wolfgang Paalen, Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy, Marcel Jean, Max Ernst, Espinoza, Maurice Henry, Sonia Mossé, and Man Ray.
Man Ray organized the lighting and photographed the show. Twenty-eight years later, he printed and published a limited edition of these photographs, along with a descriptive text, under the title Résurrection des mannequins. Man Ray designed the binding and pursuaded the great surrealist printer Guy Lévis Mano to design and print the pages. Princeton's copy is inscribed by Man Ray to his friend William Copley (1919-1996). In 1947, Copley opened a Los Angeles gallery dedicated to the Surrealists and to Man Ray's work in particular. When nothing sold, he closed the gallery, purchasing much of the art for his own private collection. In 1979, Copley sold this collection for $6.7 million, at the time the highest auction sale of a single owner's collection in the United States.
video of mannequins at (seligmann supposedly #8 from
Music by
Eno/Budd, 'Wind in Lonely Fences'.Duchamp's bullet hole in Seligmann's barn wall

Dorthea TanningTanning 2
I love this!